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Will keflex help my sinus infection?

3 Answers

bobsy 8 Nov 2022

In general certain antibiotics are designed to work against specific bacteria or groups of bacteria. There are two types of antibiotics, general and specific antibiotics. General antibiotics work well against large groups of different types of bacteria, and specific antibiotics that are designed to work against a specific pathogenic bacteria. Many infections in certain parts of the body are re-occurring and usually the same bacteria is causing the infection in that particular area of the body (in this case sinus infections) in which a general antibiotic usually works well on. However this is not always true. The best way is to isolate the bacteria to determine what that particular bacteria that is causing the infection is; then find the best antibiotic which will kill that bacteria.


However this is time-consuming (it takes days to determine which antibiotic will work best on eradicating the offending bacteria) and in some cases it can be expensive. So most doctors will initially prescribe a "general" antibiotic which will work most of the time but may not work all if the time due to a different bacteria causing the infection. Thus you go to to the doctor's office for the first time and he prescibes a general antibiotic. If you continue to be sick after taking this general antibiotic, then you have to go back and see the doctor again. This time he will have to go through the process of isolating the bacteria then determining what is the best specific antibiotic to prescribe in order to kill off the bacteria.

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SHEsevEN4 15 Feb 2015

Mucinex D, and something for swelling like Aleve , Advils, see a ENT if you don't get any better, soon.

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kaismama 17 May 2014

It might if the infection is bacterial. If its viral it will do nothing. Try some mucinex d to get them uncongested.

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keflex, infections, bladder infection, sinusitis, upper respiratory tract infection, sinus

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